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Institute of Legal Sciences

The Institute operates at the Faculty of Law and Administration of UKSW.

The Institute of Legal Sciences is a scientific and research unit of the Faculty of Law and Administration of UKSW. The unit is divided into 21 departments.

The Institute conducts research in the field of the history of the political system and law in Poland, administrative, civil and criminal proceedings, constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative, financial, IT, family and juvenile law, economic and diplomatic law, as well as human rights and international humanitarian law or private international law.

UKSW lawyers are also experts in the field of Roman Law, Theory and Philosophy of Law, Protection of Human Rights, Diplomatic Law and Public Diplomacy, Contemporary Political Systems, International and European Law, as well as Religious and Concordat Law. They also conduct interdisciplinary research in the field of science of administration, local government and environmental protection.

The Institute publishes the “Kwartalnik prawa publicznego”, “Zeszyty Prawnicze” and the journal “Młody Jurysta”, as well as “The Polish Review of International and European Law” in English.

The unit is authorized to confer the academic degree of doctor and habilitated doctor in legal sciences.


UKSW Institute of Legal Sciences

1/3 Wóyciciego Street, building 17, room 1722

01-938 Warsaw

phone: +48 22 569 96 50


Professor Anna Tarwacka, PhD, DSc