The UKSW Institute of Media Education and Journalism (IEMiD) was established in 2002. It replaced the Section of Theology of Social Communications operating at the UKSW Faculty of Theology.
The unit undertakes research in the field of media didactics, theology of social communication and media education, theory, language and ethics of the media, social communication, public relations and new media, religious communication, marketing and advertising, as well as cultural and artistic communication.
IEMiD employees are outstanding theoreticians and practitioners – well-known journalists and image specialists.
The Institute prepares students to work in the media in various positions. The Institute of Media Education and Journalism has the following specializations: media and education (teaching), press, radio, television, Internet, editorial, advertising and public relations.
5 Dewajtis Street
01-815 Warsaw
Rev. Professor Krzysztof Stępniak, PhD, Dsc, Associate Professor