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Director, UKSW Ombudsman
PhD in Humanities, discipline: history; media expert, journalist and writer. Associate Professor at UKSW Institute of Media Education Journalism, Member of the team of editors of S. Wyszyński’s diaries Pro Memoria.
She worked for Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper for over 20 years; she is the originator and chief editor of Areopag21 portal, joint initiator of “Kino z duszą” [Cinema with a Soul] Documentary Films Festival. Her articles were published on numerous media, currently she has a column in Gość Niedzielny. She co-authored the main exhibition of the Museum of John Paul II and Primate Wyszyński in Warsaw. She participated in drafting the positio in primate S. Wyszyński beatification process.

Author of multiple research papers and over ten books, including Kardynał Wyszyński. Biografia [Cardinal Wyszyński. A Biography], Siostra Faustyna. Biografia świętej [Sister Faustina. Biography of the Saint], Ksiądz Jerzy Popiełuszko. Wiara-nadzieja-miłość [Rev. Jerzy Popiełuszko. Faith-Hope-Love] (jointly with Tomasz Wiścicki), Mistyczki. Historie kobiet wybranych [Mystics. Stories of the Chosen Women], Bajki mariackie [St. Mary’s Tales], translated into eight languages. She has received multiple awards, including the first edition of “Ślad” [The Trace] Bishop Jan Chrapek Award for Journalists and five “Fenix” awards of the Society of Catholic Publishers. Member of the Polish Writers’ Association.

The Dewajtis campus, Old Building, room 97, 01-815 Warszawa ph. +48 506 789 100 ph. +48 601 308 285 e-mail: