Employment – information for applicants
UKSW staff are employed through a competitive procedure. Job offers are published on the University’s website. The offers specify the individual criteria to be fulfilled by an applicant to qualify to the competitive procedure. We will not consider your application documents nor interview applicants outside the competitive procedure.
At the end of the recruitment procedure, the UKSW HR Office will invite the elected individual to submit the requisite documents in the hiring process. Hiring takes place on the 1st or 15th day of each month, provided that all the formal requirements are duly fulfilled.
Hiring documents NNA (starter pack).
Hiring documents NA (starter pack).
Non-teaching staff recruitment process
Recruitment is managed by the direct superior of the specific role.
The process may consist of two or three stages during which the candidate’s competences will be verified.
We always make every effort to pick a person who will be a good match for our team. Each new hire should feel comfortable in our work environment and in communication with their superior. Therefore, in addition to the mandatory qualifications, we emphasize the atmosphere of the interview and matching the applicant to the team, which will be verified already at the first meeting.
Depending on the job, we test professional knowledge and language skills of candidates.
Candidates will be informed promptly of each consecutive stage of the process. At the end of the recruitment process, within 14 days of our final decision, the candidate will receive information about the decision.
If we note anything that may be useful for the candidate in the future, we always try to give our feedback so that the UKSW recruitment process gives the candidates an added value irrespective of the final outcome.
If our recruitment process did not meet your expectations or you have quality objections regarding the process, please contact us at: e-mail: personalny@uksw.edu.pl
University teachers recruitment process
The recruitment process follows the provisions of the Act – Higher Education and Science Act and the Statute of UKSW.
A university teacher will be hired for the first time beyond half-time following an open competitive procedure. A competitive procedure for a teacher’s job is announced by the Rector at their own initiative, upon request of a Faculty dean or head of a primary organizational unit. A notice of the competitive procedure is published in coordination with the Communications and Promotion Office.
The period for publication of notices cannot be shorter than 30 days. The essential qualification requirements applicable in a competitive procedure are defined in the Statute and other internal regulations.
A competition committee will be appointed in a procedure defined in the Statute and other internal regulations of UKSW. In case of a competitive procedure for jobs in the group of research staff and research/teaching staff, the committee will be composed of university teachers representing the respective scientific discipline and specialization in which the teacher will be working.
Each new hire should feel comfortable in our work environment and in communication with their superior. Therefore, in addition to the mandatory qualifications, we emphasize the atmosphere of the interview and matching the applicant to the team.
Depending on the job, we test professional knowledge and language skills of candidates.
Candidates will be informed promptly of each consecutive stage of the recruitment process. At the end of the process, within 14 days of our final decision, the candidate will receive information about the decision.
If we note anything that may be useful for the candidate in the future, we always try to give our feedback so that the UKSW recruitment process gives the candidates an added value irrespective of the final outcome.
If our recruitment process did not meet your expectations or you have quality objections regarding the process, please contact us at: e-mail: personalny@uksw.edu.pl