EngD. Krzysztof Dziedzic
He has been the Chancellor of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University since January 2022. Doctor of technical sciences, graduate of Warsaw University of Technology and of postgraduate studies – the Academy of Leadership Psychology – Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology.
ul. Dewajtis 5, Stary Gmach,
pok. 032, 01-815 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 561 89 33
e-mail: kanclerz@uksw.edu.pl

Deputy Chancellor
Piotr Cieślikowski
He became the Deputy Chancellor of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in 2020. From 2011, he worked in the Administration and Economic Department of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University; from 2016 to 2020 he was the deputy manager, then head of the department.
ul. Dewajtis 5, Stary Gmach,
pok. 032, 01-815 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 561 89 33
e-mail: kanclerz@uksw.edu.pl

Katarzyna Szumowska
She has been the UKSW deputy bursar since 2011. Earlier, in 2009-2011, she was the head of the Accounting and Settlement Department of EU Programs. She has worked in the university bursar’s office since 1993.
ul. Dewajtis 5, Stary Gmach,
pok. 032, 01-815 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 561 89 33
e-mail: kwestor@uksw.edu.pl
Sabina Kawecka
Senior administration specialist
5 Dewajtis Street, Old Building, room 032
tel. +48 22 5618933 or ext. 333
e-mail: s.kawecka@uksw.edu.pl