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Studies on Combining Pedagogy with Other Disciplines

Teaching Certificate Programme

The UKSW offers Studies on Combining Pedagogy with Other Disciplines. The completion of the course in teaching equips the graduate with pedagogical foundations essential for working as a teacher in a school or other educational facility. The studies have been designed for all UKSW students. The specific provisions concerning the teaching certificate programme for the students of the first and second cycle studies as well as a long cycle master programme are set out in the UKSW Rector’s Regulation no 72/2013 3 October 2013 on organizing psychological and pedagogical training for UKSW students with future amendments and UKSW Rector’s Regulation no 96/2013 of 11 December 2013 on the organization of psychological and pedagogical training of UKSW students.
In accordance with the directive of the Ministry of National Education a teaching certificate programme entails gaining knowledge and competences in pedagogy, psychology and teaching methodology as well an adequate internship programme.
The course prepares students to work with children and young people in various educational frameworks, in particular as teachers of history, art, music, ethics, social studies in primary school, junior secondary school and secondary school. The programme combines theory with practice and includes lectures together practical assignments.

The main goals of the teacher training are the following:

  • gradual introduction of the student into teaching, educational and caring activity
  • facilitating contacts with the educational and school environment
  • preparing the student to work as a teacher and educator
  • The programme lasts  two years
Regulamin Studium – do pobrania
In order to enrol in the Teaching Certificate Course you need to submit an application form and have the status of a UKSW student
The list of required documents to be submitted by the student in order to be awarded with the “Teaching Certificate”:
  1. Examination card with the description of all the lectures and practical classes (including internships)
  2. Internship record – signed by the internship supervisor
  3. The following information:
  • name
  • date and place of birth
  • faculty, area of studies and specialty
  • list of courses (examination card) in an alphabetical order and number of hours
  • practical classes (examination card) and number of hours
  • telephone number
  • average score calculated on the basis of the examination card
14 maja 2015