Przejdź do treści

General University Education

Foreign Language Studies

The Foreign Languages Studies are the main organizer of  foreign language courses. The unit is directly supervised by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching.jezyki obce2

Objectives of the Studies:

  • Language learning for UKSW  students;
  • Language competence assessment according to the adopted teaching standards;
  • Assessment of language competences of PhD candidates according to the provisions concerning the doctoral exam;
  • Conducting foreign language exams according to the qualifications of the Centre;
  • Cooperation with other units  teaching languages.

More information is available at the website of the Foreign Language Centre,

Centre for Physical Education

The Centre for Physical Education is an interfaculty unit which organizes sport and physical education classes and activities for students as well as sport activities for  doctoral students and the staff of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University  in Warsaw.

Objectives of the Centre:swf

  • Running a physical education programme for students, according to the teaching  standards;
  • Running non-compulsory  sport activities for students, doctoral students and the staff of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University  in Warsaw;
  • Initiating activities aiming at the development of the sport facilities essential for the implementation of the university programme of physical education, sport, tourism, recreation and physiotherapy;
  • Assuring adequate staff  and class equipment;
  • Running non-compulsory activities in the area of physical culture at  all levels of education;
  • Organizing  sport and recreation activities for students and doctoral students who do not participate in the compulsory classes and for the University staff.

More information is available on the website of the Centre for Physical Education,

Studies for Combining Pedagogy with Other Disciplines

The unit  organizes a teaching certificate course which provides students with  training in teaching methodology essential to work  in a school or other educational facility It is designated for all students of all UKSW faculties, as well as anyone who would like to develop their teaching skills.pedagogizacja 1

Objectives of the Studies:

  • Gradual introduction of the students into teaching, educational and mentoring activities;
  • Developing connection with the school and the educational environment;
  • Training  students to work as students and educators;
  • The  course lasts two years.

More information is available at the website of the Studies, 

Centre for Training and Vocational Guidance

The objective of the Centre is to shape personal and social skills, activating  the potential of students and graduates and preparing them to find employment which matches their qualifications and ambitions.

The scope of activity of the Centreszkolenie 1

  • non-compulsory classes for the UKSW students;
  • Vocational guidance: individual  consultations, group workshops and training;
  • Assessment tests of interests and professional potential;
  • Psychological counselling to boost self-esteem, motivation, inspire students to develop personally and professionally;
  • Supporting students  in active job search;
  • Informing students and graduates about the labour market and the possibilities of  upgrading  professional qualifications.

More information is available  the website of the Centre,

23 lipca 2015