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Foreigners – Registration

  1. How to start?
  2. Admission and Studies
  3. The School of Polish Language
  4. Tuition Fees
  5. Required Documents
  6. Residence Permits
  7. Documents Validation
  8. Next Steps after Admission
Ad. 2. Admission to full time studies (long-cycle, first-cycle and second-cycle studies) as well as part time studies
  1. Enrolment is carried out through the Online Candidate Registration (IRK) – IRK LINK
  2. Admission is finalised on the basis of the following criteria:
    1. For the full-time studies on the basis of the ranking list and the decision made by the Faculty Committee;
    2. For the part time studies on the basis of the submitted documents and the limit of places  available.
  3. Candidates for the full-time studies who have been admitted to the University on the basis of a ranking list as well as candidates for the part-time studies must contact the Teaching Department in order to learn more determine the basis for studying prior to submitting the full set of documents.
  4. A payment of 10 zloty for the Electronic Student Identity Card must be made prior to submitting the documents (candidates need to show the proof of payment when submitting their documents) ->the payment should be made into the account which has been specified on the last page of the application form (Note: this number is only valid for making the payment for the Electronic Student Identity Card).
  5. The application documents should be submitted in the Faculty Office of the Faculty that the candidate is applying to. Upon submitting the documents to the Faculty Office, the candidate will be required to sign the tuition fee contract. The candidate will then receive an individual account number into which the tuition fee payment must be made along with other payments.
Ad. 3. Studies at the UKSW are run in Polish. Therefore, candidates are tested for their linguistic competence level to ensure they have sufficient capacity to undertake studies in Polish.

Each foreign candidate is required to take a test organised by the School of Polish Language School at the UKSW.
Having obtained positive test results, the candidate is listed on the ranking list of qualified candidates.

The following persons are exempt from taking the language test:

  • For the first-cycle studies:
    1. Candidates who have completed a year-long course preparing for studying in Polish (at least at B1 level), conducted by an educational facility appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and have submitted a language course certificate completion to the Admissions Office (a scan should be sent in advance to the following e-mail address: cudzoziemcy.rekrutacja @
    2. Candidates who hold a certificate in Polish (at least at B1 level) issued by the Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language ( the scan of the document should be sent in advance to the following e-mail address:
  • For the second-cycle studies:
    Candidates who hold a document confirming their proficiency in Polish at B2 level or higher issued by the Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language or by one of the Polish language schools for foreigners.

All the study programmes at the UKSW are carried out in Polish.

Polish language courses at the UKSW

The UKSW organises courses of Polish language in the framework of the UKSW School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners (SJPiKP). The courses are offered to our future students as well as to other people wishing to learn Polish.

LINK TO THE portfolio of courses offered by SJPiKP

Apart from the courses of the Polish language, we offer our students a possibility of selecting a course of the Polish language as a foreign language. The completion of that course will enable the students to obtain the required credit points for the mandatory course of a foreign language, which is an obligatory part of the curriculum of the studies, as well as to develop their linguistic competences.


Students who have undertaken studies according to the same principles applicable to Polish citizens are exempt from tuition fees.
Students who have undertaken studies according to the principles applicable to foreigners pay the tuition fee. (To check out their exact amount see the PDF )

Students who have undertaken studies according to the same principles applicable to Polish citizens pay the tuition fees. Payments can be divided into instalments in the time framework determined by the Rector ( the student declares the number of instalments they have chosen) – SEE PDF

To this end the student should submit a Request (i.e. a request for a consent to effecting the aforesaid payment in instalments), along with an Application, to the Vice Rector for Students Affairs, specifying the number of requested instalments. The payment dates shall be determined by the Rector – see the PDF document.

The payment should be made into an individual account. Each student will be provided with their individual account number by their Faculty Office [link to the payments table].

Should the payment be made after the deadline, statutory interests will be charged. Students who are behind with their payments longer then 3 months will be expelled.


The payment for the Student Identity Card amounts to 10 zloty. The application form for the first student card is generated during the registration process through the online registration system (IRK).

A duplicate of the student card costs 15 zloty. Should the first student card be lost, damaged or should there be no more place for holograms, a duplicate may be purchased. The student should generate an application through the USOS web and submit it to their faculty office together with the payment confirmation.


Diplomas of magister (equal to Master of Arts)/licencjat degree (equal to Bachelor of Arts) with two copies – 60 zloty

Diploma copy in a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian) – 40 zloty.

Student record book in a printed version – 4 zloty (student record books are only obligatory at the Faculty of Theology, at the other faculties they can be issued upon the student’s request).

Ad 5. List of documents which should be submitted by the Candidates for full-time and part-time studies at the faculty office of the faculty to which the student is applying, is as follows:


  1. Certificate of completion of secondary school – original
  2. Certificate of completion of secondary school – Polish translation
  3. Attestation of validity: Legalisation/apostille/formal recognition of certificate
  4. Confirmation of Polish language competence
  5. Visa/residency card– photocopy
  6. Fitness- for- duty medical certificate
  7. Health insurance documents (health insurance policy, contract with the Polish Insurance Fund NFZ, EHIC)
  8. Identity card –photocopy
  9. Passport–photocopy
  10. The Polish Card –photocopy

Second – Cycle Studies

  1. Diploma – original
  2. Diploma – Polish translation
  3. Attestation of validity: legalisation/apostille/formal recognition of certificate
  4. Confirmation of Polish language competence
  5. Visa/residency card – photocopy
  6. Fitness- for- duty medical certificate
  7. Health insurance documents (medical insurance policy, contract with the Polish Insurance Fund NFZ, EHIC)
  8. Identity card –photocopy
  9. Passport–photocopy
  10. The Polish Card –photocopy
Ad. 6. Recognition of certificates and diplomas

All certificates and diplomas issued outside Poland should bear the apostille stampor be accompanied by a legalisation document. Persons holding the following documents are exempt from this requirement:

  • Matura certificate or diploma obtained in one of the EU countries
  • IB diploma
  • EB diploma
  • Certificates or diplomas covered by international agreements (Austria, Belarus, the Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Germany, Slovakia, Ukraine, Libya)

The government website on education recognition -LINK

Foreign certificate of secondary school completion– candidates with a foreign nationality and Polish nationality for all types of studies:

  • Candidates holding the certificate of completion of secondary school from countries with which Poland has signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education must present the original of the certificate and its Polish translation by a certified translator from the register of the Ministry of Justice or a translation certified by the consul of the Republic of Poland from the country in which the document has been issued, to the faculty office.
  • Candidates holding a certificate of completion of secondary school from countries with which Poland has not signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education must validate their certificate and present the original of their certificate together with its Polish translation by a certified translator to the faculty office.
    • LIST OF COUNTRIES with which Poland has signed agreements on mutual recognition of education
  • Candidates holding a foreign certificate of completion of secondary school from a country which has signed the Hague Convention may request a certification of authenticity of the certificate in the form of apostille (an apostille stamp on the main document is sufficient)
    • LIST of countries which have signed the Hague Convention
  • If a given country has not signed the Hague Convention, such a confirmation should be obtained through legalisation
Ad. 7. Information on residence permits

The following documents constitute a confirmation of identity on the territory of Poland:

  • Passport
  • Identity card
  • Residence card

The following documents entitle to reside on the territory of Poland:

  • Visa
  • Residence card (temporary or permanent residence card)

All foreign students whose stay in Poland exceeds 3 months are obliged to register their residence.

In order to register one’s residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland or to obtain a residence card, the candidate should submit an application to the Office for Foreigners, Legalisation of Residence Section.

Application for the residence registration should be submitted in person to the to the Governor of Mazovia (Wojewoda Mazowiecki), no later than one day after 3 months from entering the territory of the Republic of Poland have passed.

Students from the EU

Application forms for students from outside of the EU – see LINK

Foreigners who have obtained a residence permit for a fixed period, permit of settlement on the territory of Poland or hold the long-term EU residency permit are exempt from registration of residence.

Students from outside of the EU

Application forms for students from outside of the EU – LINK


The University Support System of Studies (USOS) is the main service system for students and doctoral students at the UKSW. It offers access to all the students’ and doctoral students’ data, as well as all the essential information on the courses, grades, registration for courses and application forms. Students are provided with the access data to the USOSweb by their faculty office.

In case of loss of password, the student should contact their faculty office.

After the matriculation students are required to register at the USOSweb for courses according to their class schedule. SEE the Course Registration Guide.


Students admitted to the university according to the principles applicable to foreigners with tuition fees cannot apply for any scholarship at the University.

Students admitted according to the principles applicable to Polish citizens may apply for:

  • Maintenance grant
  • Special grant – for students with disabilities
  • Rector’s scholarship for best students
  • One-time benefit (twice in the academic year)

Foreign students of Polish origin may apply for the Minister’s Scholarship, the so called Polish Government Scholarship in the framework of various scholarship programmes.

Scholarship programmes available in Poland:

  • Konstanty Kalinowski Scholarship – only for citizens of Belarus
  • Stefan Banach Scholarship – available to students/doctoral students of foreign origin
  • Ignacy Łukasiewicz scholarship – only for doctoral students

The institution responsible for the for the Polish Government Scholarship is the Bureau for Academic Recognition – SEE LINK

Health insurance

All foreign students residing on the territory of Poland must hold a valid health insurance for the whole of their stay.

Acceptable types of insurance:

  • EHIC Card
  • Insurance policy
  • Contract with National Health Fund (NFZ) on voluntary insurance
  • ISIC Card

Students who are neither Polish citizens neither citizens of the European Union, but who are of Polish origin, may be insured by the University, on the condition that they provide all the necessary documents:

  • Valid passport (photocopy)
  • Attestation of Polish origin or photocopy of the Polish Card
  • Confirmation from the faculty office of their student/doctoral student status
  • Contract with National Health Fund (NFZ) on voluntary insurance
  • Registration form for the health insurance (zgłoszenie do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego –ZZA) [ podpiąć formularz]
  • Obligatory declaration of the student [podpiąć formularz]
  • National identification number PESEL (if t one and the photocopy of document)

The University Unit responsible for the insurances is the Department of Financial Aid ( link).

Health care

List of academic clinics available to UKSW students:

  • at Grójecka 132
  • at Chmielna 14
  • at Józefa Ciszewskiego 15 (Centrum KEN)

General registration: 801 462 988

05 maja 2015