Przejdź do treści

Directions in research

The UKSW as a centre of research and education has the following objectives:
  • Educating students in such a  way that as graduates they will be  ready to  take on professional and public responsibilities,  maintain a  high moral integrity, respect and preserve their  own identity  and at the same time remain open minded and conscious of the changes around them and become members of the national and local elite;
  • Developing and enhancing  scientific research which takes into account a personalistic and humanistic perspective of the   world and promotes the observance of  ethical and moral principles  together with the selfless search for truth.
    The search for truth cannot be subject to any  particularist or  opportunistic political interests nor  be influenced by them. It   should be  linked to a personal and social conduct, as well as care for the environment.

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“Academic freedom is the foundation of  all university life, also that of UKSW. It is based on the freedom of scientific research and the freedom of learning which are inextricably intertwined. Having in regard the particular vision and mission of the UKSW  as a university attached to the teaching of the Catholic Church and the keeper of Christian values, we express our desire  for the research and teaching to be undertaken in the framework of academic freedom and focused on reflection on man as an integral being in all the dimensions of his life and actions”.

/UKSW Mission and Strategy 2014/

In the scope of scientific research the University supports activities which are a platform of cooperation between various scientific fields, in particular:
  • Promotion and  protection of human health in the context of the intersection of medicine with disciplines represented at the UKSW,
  • Natural environment preservation in all its aspects,
  • Studies on the Mazovia region  in all its aspects,
  • The Catholic Church and its role in the life of humakind, the link to the present and future of the Nation and the Polish state, Europe and the world,
  • Interreligious dialogue and  inter-civilizational dialogue, as well as cooperation between Poland and the European Union, Eastern Europe and the Middle East,
  • Cooperation with the countries of  Iberian civilization,
  • Christian values in the life of the  individual, the society, economy and politics,
  • Current challenges faced by the society shaped by the Internet and new technologies.
05 maja 2015